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Esther Bewarder
Subconscios Mind Coaching & Positive Psychology

Reprogram your subconscios mind with a fast and gentle method!

  • Overcome self imposed limitations

  • Activate your selfhealing powers

  • Unleash your hidden potentials

Flat Round Elements

Grow Your Vision

We all have a vision of our dream life. But why does it often seems so difficult to get there? What is holding us back? Often, when we're trying to get to the next level, it feels like we have to force it. And when things get harder in our life, we think, we just have to push harder. When we are suffering from chronic diseases, we run from one therapy to another. Actually, when things are not going the way we want to, we usually search for a solution outside ourselfs. We take action. But pushing things too hard is causing more stress. And stress is not a good friend to guide us through hard times. 

The problem isn’t usually that we aren’t working hard enough, it’s usually that we’re not training our subconscious mind, and likewise, our deep, inner thoughts that drive our actions. Did you know that your subconscious mind creates 95% of your life? All your emotional roots and selft-limiting belief systems are embedded in your subcounscious mind. These subconscios programs automatically determine and control most of your experience, self-expression and behavior. These unresolved negative emotions and beliefs can create and maintain psychological and physical symptoms, which automatically result in mental, emotional, physical, energetic spiritual and life adjustment problems, including many medical, and health problems. So take a look at your life for a minute. How do you like the creation of your subconscious mind? . If you were asked if you’d like to be more healthy, more wealthy, more successful, more balanced, more relaxed, you’d probably say yes…right? On a conscious level we all know, what we want. We want to be healthy, successful, wealthy, loving, relaxed and happy. We want to establish healthy habbits to reach our goals. But unfortunately the limiting programs in our subconscious mind are holding us back to get what we want. At the end of the day, your conscious actions will reflect the deep, inner beliefs of your subconscious brain. You can never go any further than your unconscious programs allow you. The good news is that you can train your subconscious mind and reprogram it. So if something is not going in the direction you consciously want, its a good idea to have a deeper look at the programs of your subconscious mind.


We often hear how important it is to train our body. But how often do we hear the advice to reprogram our subconscious mind? Very rarely! That is a shame, as we are missing out on a lot of our brain’s potential to learn, reveal, and attain. Your subconscious mind is the most powerful tool in your being. The most intelligent force you carry. It gives you company  in  every waking moment and every sleeping second.

Every device and every tool we bye, comes with a manual or instruction guide. Have you ever seen one for your subconscious mind? Has someone ever taught you how to use it?

How to program it, so that it works for you instead of sabotaging yourself? Since I find working with the subconscious mind so essential and exciting, I have specialized in subconscious mind coaching. I would be happy to accompany you on your healing journey.


As a subconscious mind coach is my duty to show you:


  • How your subconsciousness is operating.

  • How you can make it work for you to reach your goals.

  • How to reprogram your negative beliefs and selfsabotage programs.

  • How to establish a highly efficient self coaching tool in your daily routine.

  • How to reprogram your subconscious mind by your own without external support.

My coaching can help you to:

  • Activate your selfhealing power to manage psychosomatic diseases & chronic pain diseases & Allergies.

  • Stop bad habbits. ( Smoking, procrastination )

  • Overcome Trauma, Grief, Bereavement.

  • Increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.

  • Balance your emotions and deal with all kind of emotional problems.

  • Overcome Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression.

  • Lose weight and stop emotional eating.

  • Reduce stress and related health issues. 

  • Find inner peace.

  • Rejuvinate your mind and body. 

  • Level up your sports performance.

  • Establish an abundance mindset.

  •  Live a self-determined and free life.

  • Manifest your dream life.

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